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A.G.M. Notice and Agenda 2020

Alderley History Group 3rd February 2020 Methodist Church 7.15 for 7.30pm The Committee members are Kelly Windram Michael Scaife Arthur Faux Di Bullock John Wallace Treasurer Mandy Parr Secretary Hilary Reeman Membership Secretary Sue Byrne Val Slater Archive coordinator Proposals to join the committee forward to me before the next meeting. The A.G.M will be followed by our guest speaker Clare Pye from Manchester University, who has been instrumental in us obtaining the Landscape project archive, and is helping us sort it out. Clare will tell us about the Leicester’s of Tabley. The Agenda

  1. Apologies

  2. Minutes 28th January 2019

  3. Matters arising.

  4. Treasurers report

  5. Membership fees have increased to £12 per member. Ideas for a membership drive, bring a friend etc.

  6. Review of 2019

  7. Programme events for 2020

  8. AOB

  9. Speaker Clare Pye

Dates and meetings for 2020. Monday 3rd February AGM, and guest speaker Clare Pye . Methodist Church Monday 30th March Ed Glinert , The Pankhursts. Methodist Church Monday 1st June John Wallace, Story of Air Born. St Philips Heritage Centre Monday 21st September Sue Appleton , Elizabeth Raffald(the 1st Mrs Beaton) St Philips Heritage Centre Monday 26th October Sue Byrne, Evacuees in Alderley. St Philips Heritage Centre Monday 7th December John Wallace, anniversary of Pearl Harbour. Methodist School Rooms Other things happening in 2020, of which will be involved 8th May VE commemorations, Bank holiday weekend. The History group has been asked to compile a WW2 display of WW2 in Alderley. Please look out for any memorabilia/photos you may have we could street parties. 20th September World Champion Penny Farthing race Knutsford. July field trip, ideas?

Minutes from AGM 2019

AGM Alderley History Group

28th January 2019

Methodist Church. 7.30pm

The Committee members are

John Wallace .Treasurer Kelly Windram

Mandy Parr Secretary Michael Scaife

Hilary Reeman Membership Secretary Arthur Faux

Sue Byrne Di Bullock

Ian Sanders resigned from committee due to work commitments, but will continue to update our website and thanks was given for all his work on setting up a website, and twitter account.

Val Slater is joining the committee, with special interest in the archives. And we welcome her.

Treasurers Report

There is approximately £500 in the account, with the new 2019 membership to be added.


Margaret Sumner

Minutes of 5th February 2018 , passed.

Matters arising. Change wording in July. Two photographs hung in the Festival Hall in memory of Harold and Margaret Smith.

Review of 2018

Another action packed year.

1st meeting of 2018 was AGM in February followed by an interesting and well-presented talk on Mary Dendy by Claire Moores. Enlightening us all on the very interesting life of Mary Dendy.

April saw Derek Wood from the Romany Society told us a story of Gypsy Smith the vicar and BBC broadcaster..

June Sarah Flannery told us about the Alan Turing Trials

And we had an extra talk from Graham Dillaway on The Hopkinson family who lived at the Ferns . Graham is coming back in April to conclude his talks.

October was a busy month with

a Show and Tell at the Heritage centre, an opportunity to look through all our archives and see some slides from Peter Woollam, after Val got them put on a disc. We will get an opportunity to see them again in March.

a trip to AVRO museum organised by Ian Sanders, which was amazing and very informative.Peter Buglar had given the museum the propeller from the scout hall.

John Wallace continued his story of the Illinois Boy and further trip to America,

we also we had lovely evening in Methodist to celebrate the launch of Alan Garners new book “were shall we run too?” all about Harold Smith.

December finished the year with our Christmas Social with entertainment from John Wallace and Stephen Mills. Who knew about Indian Swing music?

Programme for 2019

28th January 2019 AGM and. At Methodist Church

1st April Graham Dillaway. To conclude the findings on the Hopkinson family at the Ferns and the Schill family at Croston Towers. At Methodist Church

20th May Geoff Scarskill Railway King. At Methodist Church

July – Possible field trip. TBC

23rd September – Prof John Prag. Reconstructing Ancient Faces .to be held at Heritage Centre St Philip & St James Church

2nd October –John Wallace Old photos of Alderley . Heritage Centre

2nd December –Christmas Social. Methodist School Rooms


Members Liz Standen and Alan Pearson died recently and a card was sent to the two families from the history group.

Val and Mandy still organising the archives and will announce new day as Wednesday not suitable at the minute.

Michael Scaife compiling a booklet to be published during 2019 about all the men (and 1 women) on our war memorial.

John Wallace trying to get help publishing his book on Illinois Boy.

Field trip suggestions for 2019 walk around Manchester

Clare Pye , walk around Nether Alderley

Gorton Monastery


Ryelands Library.

John Wallace welcomed back Claire Moores who gave a fascinating talk about reading the landscape. Thank you Claire.

Meeting ended 9pm.

Good feed back on our new venue in Church.

Copyright © 2021 Alderley History Group, All rights reserved.

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Alderley History GroupMethodist School Rooms, SK9 7DU Chapel Road Alderley Edge, Cheshire SK9 7DUUnited Kingdom



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About Us

The Alderley History Group is a collection of passionate individuals, intent on exploring and explaining our past - shedding light on the history of our well-loved village, and using a historic lens to examine our 21st century community.


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