2024 promises to be an exciting year.
Firstly I would like to thank David Fairbotham for all his work producing the History Group calendar, which again sold out, I believe there are 7 copies left £10 now if anyone forgot to buy one!
We had a fun time with our stall at St Philip & St James Church fair in December, and of coarse our Christmas social with now infamous Christmas quiz.
Thank you Sue and Kelly and Trebor at the Union Club.
We commence our year with notice of AGM and guest speaker, Martin Wienholt.
Annual General Meeting5th February 2024 at 7.15pm for 7.30pm Alderley Union ClubStevens StreetSK9 7NL
see below agenda for AGM 2024, minutes for AGM 2023, our proposed constitution, which will be adopted on the night. We will also collect subs for 2024. £15pp.card reader, or cash. if you are unable to attend, you can send by bank transfer ,with your name as reference. Thank you.
RBS Alderley History Group. Acc 10307773. SC 16-11-29.
Agenda for AGM 5th February 2024
1. Welcome and introduce guests.
2. Apologies
3. Minutes from AGM 30th January 2023 accepted.
4. Matters arising
5.Constiution. To be adopted.
6.Thank you to committee of 2023, and particularly say thank you to John Wallace and David Fairbotham who are standing down from Committee permanently.
The rest of committee stand down as in accordance with newly adopted constitution.
Nominations have been received for the following
Chair Sue Byrne, Secretary Mandy Parr, Treasurer Andrew Smith, Membership Peter Marginson. Kelly Windram, Val Slater, Michael Scaife, Stewart Dyer, Sandra Woodall, Olivia Johnson.
7. Treasurers report. Membership fees, Digital archive.
8.Review of 2023.
9. Programme for 2024
10. AOB