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History in the Making...


Having sometimes struggled to collect photos and information about events that took place in Alderley in the past, this year there will be plenty of photos and articles and while its still fresh in our minds, as a history group we will create an account of Alderley in lockdown. There are many initiatives of keeping people connected , photos of nature, accounts of what we did during lockdown, etc. Please collect and keep and we will add it to our archives.

2020 will be infamous for along time to come.

September meeting.

We were due to welcome Sue Appleton to our Heritage centre on 21st September. We will postpone this meeting and reschedule for 2021.

At present we can not use St Philip & St James Church for our meetings.

October meeting

If we cannot meet in person we will do a Zoom meeting and have a guest speaker.


Hopefully we can have our Christmas Social. Christmas wouldn't be the same.... watch this space.


During lockdown, several people have been checking and listing sections of our archives and would like to thank Stephen , Val and Sandra for the ongoing work.


I am pleased to announce a new website is under construction. Hooray. so we look forward to unveiling that in the coming weeks. Thank you to the website steering group for their ideas and help.


We still are putting photos and information on our facebook page and hope to link that to our new website.

Project lockdown

Start collecting ,photos , leaflets, personal thoughts & accounts of what happened to you , friends & organisations you are involved with during lockdown (in hard copy or digitally) and we will add it to our archives. Details of where to send it to will follow .

Mandy Parr.


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About Us

The Alderley History Group is a collection of passionate individuals, intent on exploring and explaining our past - shedding light on the history of our well-loved village, and using a historic lens to examine our 21st century community.


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